Brill recollected that he went to a small creek in Wardensville with a trout magnet tied onto his line. YouTube is crazy. Destress a little bit. Go outside and get some fresh air and Vitamin-D from the sun.
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Tyler Brill poses with a brown trout he caught on a past fishing trip. Brill, a native of West Virginia, has become one of the most popular fishing personalities on YouTube in recent years.
And with his college career just about wrapped, it's all in on the YouTube career. A native of the northern Chicago suburb of Golf, Mavrakis has made a name for himself online — and occasionally in person — in the niche world of saltwater aquariums. His channel, CoralFish12g , has more than , subscribers. That means tens of thousands of people have decided they want to keep tabs on him, his exotic collection of sea life and whatever saltwater adventures he and his buddies might dive into.
I'm not the smartest guy you'll meet," he said. While he's the star of his high-energy videos, it's the residents of his fish tanks that take things up a level. His collection in mid-May included clown fish, seahorses, snails, puffer fish, various corals and plants. Many of them end up becoming recurring characters in videos, and some get names and voices.
Scarlett Johansson and Shaun White are his clown fish. His trio of puffer fish go by Kirby, Fergie and Furby. The seahorses are Pegasus and Poseidon. My most expensive one is the hardest one to see.
Making matters more remarkable is the following he's built up over the past few years has come despite his tanks, and the action inside and out, being housed inside his cozy quarters on the Lawrence campus.
That, and he's kept a full class schedule and played four years on the LU basketball team. Sage Hall is more than years old and its dorm rooms are built for sleeping, studying and not much else. Somehow, Mr. CoralFish12g and his pals managed to get a kiddie pool full of 1, snails in there — the payoff being 50, views and counting.
It's not with the asterisk that he is the hardest-working year-old I know. He's the hardest worker. Mavrakis explains his approach as one of "infotainment," meaning the blending of information and entertainment. He's helping educate people about keeping aquarium while also hopefully poking at some emotional buttons.
Now, his main channel has around 3. The growth isn't due only to the increase in hours Stephan puts into YouTube, but also to a change in the type of content he makes. Though Stephan became popular by making videos talking about his investments and real estate earnings, he has pivoted to news analysis and explaining complex financial topics.
Stephan says reading the thousands of comments on his videos helped him identify a strong desire from viewers for someone who could explain what was going on in the markets.
This change also allowed Stephan to create content based around the news of the day, which in turn helps draw in subscribers who may not already be familiar with his brand. In recent months, he has covered topics ranging from the housing market to cryptocurrency to meme stocks. For Stephan, a typical day begins at around a. On most days, he stays in his office until 6 or 7 p.
Until recently, Stephan took pride in his channel being a one-man show. But as he increased his YouTube-related workload during the pandemic, he realized he needed to make a change. His team now includes a live-in editor, as well as another editor who keeps an office in Stephan's home. Together, the three run all of Stephan's channels, as well as assist with his weekly podcast. Altogether, Stephan puts out nine new pieces of content each week. Though he won't be stopping by a Starbucks any time soon, there are a number of places where he is more willing to open his wallet.
He says that the expense is worth it to have more time to relax or put back into his work. Stephan still tracks all of the money that comes in and out of his accounts, but doesn't keep a strict budget anymore because his default instinct is to always save or invest new income rather than spend it. When it comes to furnishing his home, Stephan didn't cut any corners. Stephan is busier and more successful than ever, but he's acutely aware that his career has taken him into uncharted waters.