My apologies for not giving a decently elaborate speech on the matter, but I never did statistics or research on the reasons why it's been going downhill so fast. I'm one of the random users of the program, and it's sad. Jach February 08, AM Here's some more sugarcoating of Valve: Their design philosophy is deep and compelling.
So many people in Furc that just take up band with and space sitting around and doing, well nothing! I don't get the idea of spending money just to have fancy avatars, heavy loaded descriptions and just sit around and spam the whole place with idleness or random banter? For a while I was in a dream that many story lines and role play depth took place. It was like writing a book while living it! After a few years the dream owner got tired of Furc support being anything but helpful.
I wonder if a new "map" will make it better? I doubt it. The people who have money to spare get all this cool shit. Like customer avatars It shows the new players or players who dont have to toss at a greedy company 'Oh look, you'll never be able to have something as cool as that!
I call BS! They play favorites and drop to their knees to the people dumb enough to give them a shitton of money. They're doing what they can to keep the game running and the kickstarter is letting them bring on more staff to do the updates we've been asking for for years.
Furcadia is "dead" compared to what it used to be, but I think a resurrection is around the corner. The web client will bring in a ton of new players who wouldn't want to download a program to play a social game. Indigocloud August 04, AM It has turned into a big commercial for artists now, maybe that is Okay to an extent. But you see a cool dream and enter it and all you see like Amberblood stated people OOC'ing all over the place and no RP.
The dream has a format, story line and rules. Players and not players anymore, this is like a chat room indeed with fancy avatars and port pictures. Maybe outside the dreams in the main areas is like fine but to build a whole dream with a format and do nothing in it? And when I click on a desc it's all -commission me-, -port artist-, -dream weaver-, -alt maker-, -this is not an IC dream- yet you make it look like one? A lot of work to do and just sit around And I am surprised' in a disappointing way.
All this talk of a better graphic format and "web-based" furcadia. It is still in a little window in a pixlated now crowded maps and areas! WTH people!? Ether I misunderstood or they misled us. Is it running on a a web-based system for better operation? I dunno' jut dunno!?
Anonymous April 19, PM Apologies in advance for the really run-on sentences and outbursts of thought: I intensely loath how they defend the prices for those "digos" by saying what basically wittles down to "it's YOUR donation to US! It's been 14 years and so far the only progress we've seen in terms of graphics, barring digos, are new default portraits.
I doubt they'll actually get anywhere with that kickstarter since the original creators of this "game" have unofficial left and don't actually work on it anymore, leaving Emerald Flame of all people running the place I still believe she does fuckall, since she doesn't code and her actual art are like children's drawings, and her interaction with players is I question the leadership of a woman in her 50's who calls her team "Team Catnip". And yeah, they really should cater to their audience which seems to consist of furries, artists, Rpers, and the friends of such people.
Apart from a "dice system" I've never actually seen being used, I think they at least some sort of system to find other roleplayers. I'm satisfied, but barely. This sort of thing should've happened years ago, and modern websites these days are still miles ahead in terms of aesthetics, which is pretty important for a game like this because it still lacks that 'something' that makes it look professional and therefore worth respecting.
About the iPhone app thing, I wonder why they stopped it? It's not like it was unfinished. Though, I bet Apple didn't want to associate with Furcadia, lol. I just think the original creators just won't let it die. It really freakin' needs it! An ETA, some kind of time-frame. Anonymous May 19, AM I agree with the notion that targeting a broader audience would invite more people to play, and hopefully improve the status of the RP community, albeit I wouldn't know how it could be executed without changing the name or blatantly announcing that Furc will get its shit together and stop catering to the fussy niche people.
There are many people who would love to play as more humanized characters in Furcadia's format, and it would give people a lot more incentive to make a non-furre dream without worrying about there being few visitors. Adding human avatars helps a little but not much, would have been a much better idea when roleplaying was at its peak, before the waves of newfriends, greedy merchants and other OOCers made themselves comfortable.
Anonymous June 26, AM It looks dead. It seems within two years, according to the ingame client, their regular userbase as dropped more than half of what it used to be. There is literally nothing anymore, you'll be lucky if you come across something worthwhile there.
It's no surprise; with their unsustainable, thoughtless business model combined with their lack of a dedicated team that wants to make the game good instead of trying to make the most money, it is no surprise it is nearly dead. Even on their most recent backing project only people have donated. The best part, this is supposedly the second part of their original kickstarter fundraiser, meaning they STILL haven't started on the update.
They've literally made half a million dollars by waving around new character rewards. This speaks a lot about the capacity of the people that still dish out ridiculous amounts of money for appearance upgrades in what is essentially an IRC room with a virtual interface. The update isn't coming. They've lost even more players since the second portion of their fundraiser; I can tell you right now that I am not exactly sure they are going to go through with the update at this point.
It has been nearly two years since it was supposedly originally funded. One has to wonder why they keep needing more and more and more money, despite being fully funded again and again. Either they do not have their books straight, or they are milking what is left of their idiot fanbase before going offline.
What a shame. It's dying, if not dead. There is no update coming. Anyone with half a brain can see what is going on. The Website is taking a massive renovation with new look. I too play Furcadia and know that there's likely to be no update. It's been two years since that Kickstarter and what does Furcadia have to show for it? The same thing that's always been around: outdated and ugly graphics from the 90s and a poorly optimized client.
I HAVE paid for the web client beta and you know what? It's absolute shit. It's the exact same client except online, incredibly slow, and glitchy as all hell. What I've seen over the years I've been in Furc is that a Emerald Flame is pretty much completely useless in the grand scheme of things and b Felorin is wrapped around her finger like a finger puppet made of nylon.
Where is the schedule for Second Dreaming? Zed April 07, AM I just sorta stumbled on this rant and read a few of the comments and have a few myself. I recently met Cironir and actually asked him about the Dark Dreaming stuff. I can't remember my exact question, but it was along the lines of this whole problem. He talked about hiring programmers and the like to create the whole new bit package and so on and so forth and more or less asked me if I knew how much this stuff would cost.
He also told me they had devoted fans who work for free And I couldn't say I did But it got me thinking. There are indie games being made all the time with less of a budget than what furc's kickstarter provided, not to mention all the funds that people are constantly dumping into the digo market.
And those no budget indie games make things with graphics better than a super nintendo, which is Furcadia's Dark Dreaming goal. I also learned that the various creators and founders of furc all share a house here in Texas. Kinda a vacation spot and HQ for everyone. Also where their mail goes, I believe. But it seems like a big waste of money when they could just get a P. Furthermore, wouldn't all these new avatars they are creating become obsolete in the new bit version of the game?
I don't claim to know anything about anything. These are just some thoughts I had. Catling June 12, PM Yes, your true They met many friends on it. So, pretty much, your saying that we all pretty much just wasted our money and time on this? Even if it's dead, it still entertaining, as the players there still keep it fun.
Also, one of the admins on the Forums said they will keep it up for a long time, closing is not scheduled at all, right now. They can't even stand in a doorway to block your path - you ghost right through them. And they're not going to charge jack from what I hear. Anonymous August 23, AM Furc's pretty much in it's twilight year s now. Meanwhile most of the digos from the Kickstarter vote page remain unreleased. They promised to create the digos that got the most votes The web-login portal remains in development hell.
The mobile app forum's last post was from a year ago claiming that it would be released 'very soon'. The only things that gets updated anymore on the website is the Digomarket. There's brand new butler art on the market of a shitty, embarrassing quality- apparently they got another highschool 'volunteer' artist instead of hiring any of the fantastic professional artists who still play.
Promises keep getting skirted around. Newsletters were published maybe twice this year formerly it was a monthly publication with a few pretty pictures and nothing of substance. People are worried that the money was mis-spent since the team apparently bought a VERY expensive house in a very expensive neighborhood despite their meager wages.
The game is fine! The Kickstater money is being spent wisely! Everything will be released soon! I honestly loved this game but it's pretty clear that the creators have given up.
Every few months they show a blurry screenshot or an ambiguous video to prove the Second Dreaming is still being worked on. They probably used the KS donations to fund that crazy mini-mansion in the desert. We were conned. The downfall started in or to be honest.
I heard it is still dead. I am not going back even though i was on this chat game for years. If they really cared about the game they would up the graphics and get with the times. I actually would not be surprised if the game shut down in 5 years or less. Once they finally realize that no one cares about the game anymore, they will probably be like oh!
But by then it will be too late. I am sad that it went this way but alot of the users have grown up. I am 21 now and while I'll miss the game as it used to be, I foresee a shutdown. They did kickstarter for their own benefit and not the game. Sad, but true. I got to goof around and it's shaping up to be better than Furc. Everything from tile to pixel-based movement, claim a plot of land, make your own spot, you can even make your own world and link it to AE's world so players can transfer back and forth between them, creating a huge web of networked properties.
The web client even works for the most part! They're only missing a couple of additional features and they're going to call it ready for initial release. Me November 14, AM To be honest, people have tried defending Furcadia with the whole "Its free to play and if you dont like the people, store, or how much everything costs, go away" crap for far too long.
People likes their own little niche in Furcadia, and now that its been consumed with foul mouthed, non-persona play, OCC advertising 'art' type furries, people have just gotten sick of pointing out the flaws to the developers and sought better venues.
When the staff and control for Furcadia does nothing to censor or distribute obvious adult content and the potential Which does always happen for minors to engage in sexually explicit acts with adults, not only is there a problem, but the solve for it and those not having a comfortable environment tend to vacate.
Thats what has progressively happened. Facts: Dated graphics, game play, pedophilia, verbal abuse, bad management, expensive cosmetics, no control over the population, lack of rules and leaders, piss poor tools for creative input, interaction limited to people that mostly have mental instabilities, anti-social fundamentals apply to most people, a good many people are afk and idling so a player count is unavailable. I could go on for a while about the many flaws and reasons Furcadia will continue to decline, but ultimately the player base has a good deal to do with the issue at hand.
The current population are the sort that dont get along well with others and yet actively seek interaction with those around them. A group of people with a desperate cry for help that will only bite the hand that feeds them regardless of the situation. Personally, I dont even know how the place stayed afloat this many years. Also, I really dont think server costs are an issue when I can host over 50k people on my Desktop alone.
Furcadia has no bandwidth intensive programing and therefor doesnt require a massive output. They have and always have run on a 3. ARK: Survival Evolved. Stop playing the "Server cost" card, because Im fairly sure the server was bought and paied for years ago.
Anonymous November 14, AM "Furcadia has no bandwidth intensive programing and therefor doesnt require a massive output. The problem with allowing people to build their own dreams is that many people have no clue how to program, and thus keep certain code snippets running either client-side or server-side when it should not be, or the code constantly runs instead of being triggered by a check.
I've seen poorly-programmed dreams eat up a solid megabit with just two players present in the world thanks to poor coding practices. For the rest, well, spot on. Anonymous December 18, AM "Stop playing the 'Server cost' card, because Im sic fairly sure the server was bought and paied sic for years ago. Just because you bought a house in full, all debts paid doesn't mean that you no longer have to pay for it.
You have to pay taxes on the land that your house sits on. Not only that, but you have to pay for any utilities that you use electricity, gas, water, etc.
Servers are power hungry machines. Not only that, but they are generally stored within a data center and not within someone's house. Data centers are dust-free, continually cooled, have redundant everything power, network, cooling, etc. That cost is then pushed onto those who host their servers within the data center. On top of that, hosting or colocating a server can be more expensive based on the following factors: A.
How much space all the customer servers take up in the rack. How much power the servers use. How much data traffic the servers send and receive, D. How close the servers are to the backbone of the internet. How old the hosting plan is. What the hosting contract states. I think that it's quite foolish to assume that hosting a server is cheap or free after you've paid for the hardware. Anonymous December 18, AM "Servers are power hungry machines.
ULPs at 15w running a few hundred websites at once, a bunch of silly dreams is nothing in comparison to heavier databases. Where did I go? Yes I know it has it's issues too but you know what it is better than FurC. FurC has run it's course and is now a 2D banter chat room.
Maybe some hardcore FurC's are still there but I went back last year and after five years in SL it was hard on the eyes and the heart too. Just saying Anonymous February 23, AM I ran a so called server from my home for private gaming and clubs. It was in its own little room of my house with dedicated lines. I used a ATX tower case and a portable support cabinet for additional hardware. As for cooling the server in general it was always connected to a duct system to which the hot air was sucked out into an attic reverse blower mechanics grade and outside.
The power system was a combination of surge strips and relay battery back ups. And I had a monitor line switch installed to augment power in case of a black out using a Honeywell portable electric start generator. Did it cost a bit yes but if you know where to get stuff you will save in the long run.
Warehouse, wholesale, clearance, test betas, etc. Eccentric set up for a single person? I guess it was but it worked rather well. People connected though URL protocols address, password and account. DEP or who ever runs the show now needs to get into gear and ether catch up or shut down? Hard to say without really any factual information on what they are doing. But if people like me can make a system at home surely DEP can make something far more dynamic and perhaps reach out to others like me for help instead of hording it in their little corner of what ever.
Or as a few have said is Furcadia a past endeavor and its time to move on? Leonis February 29, PM I tired to come back after two years and realized I lost my password and my email is no longer used.
After three support trouble tickets and NO response I said to hell with it. I gave them as much info as I could to help and nothing, nada. Let it die! Anonymous May 15, PM The most disappointing thing about Furcadia is that it was part of something that was unprecedented.
They started off so early in the day, and now with technology being so far past its limitations now from its beginnings in , they could've been a dominant powerhouse in a market that they could've held as their own.
The fact that people have funded them each time they asked for it, is evidence for that. How many companies that run an entire server, come out to ask for money, just to get hundreds of thousands of dollars slapped at them? More than once, even? I would not be surprised if they made over a million dollars in sales, just to have all of that money squandered. Virtually no other game could've pulled in so much cash. In short, honestly The creators now, are greedy. EF runs most of the show, and she doesn't care.
Not as long as they can release a new Digo, someone is going to buy it. Furcadia is dying due to its own negligence, shameless greed, countless broken promises I remember hearing promises of the update since , cancerous people, lack of RP in a roleplaying game, the absolute lack of care of its players, and the game's infrastructure as a whole.
Not that the creators are going to say anything about it, but if you had a game that yielded a massive amount of money but don't use it towards the game, you did it to yourself. Furcadia squandered its charm. If they don't update it, they'll keep it the way it is until it dries out on its own for good. Amumanous June 04, AM I played Furcadia from until and stopped playing after I noticed a heavy decline in role players.
RP dreams were surging during most of my time in the community. Played nearly every night after school let out and homework was done. Recently I discovered a few of my log files from back in the day and my nostalgia kicked in. I'd love to relive those golden days at the Broken Sword Inn, Bail's Tavern, or any of those other dreams I frequented, but it all still seems lost. I wasn't aware of the problems people have been having with the Developers but I hope that the second second dreaming happens and brings a resurgence because I really miss playing that game.
You hit the nail on the head with that one. She doesn't do much of shit, but she's very self important and thinks she does. Many people left because of her. Everyone knows it. She has ZERO PR skill this has been thrown out there many times, and she's fully proven it and honestly no experience in being any sort of leader or manager.
Anonymous January 01, AM I really miss this game.. Honestly wished it wouldn't have died out. Many memories were made here and theres a few things that I'll definitely never forget. Also enjoyed Furcadia's little Halloween event. Does anyone remember doing those? Anonymous January 05, PM Yup, and it is quite sub-standard. Anonymous January 30, PM I've been playing this It's been steadily going to shit in the past several years, and yet there are still fangirls that defend it and I suspect will continue to do so to the bitter end.
Where are the overwhelming majority of the players? In the idling areas, or the OOC areas. In TGT, you can sit in the main hall, be completely surrounded with people, and still not see a single post. They're doing it via RPR. Cause, y'know. RPR is the new Freewebs - everyone's got one, and if you don't, nobody even gives you a second look.
So again - it all goes back to the fact that Furc nowadays is filled with nothing but OOCers and idlers, because the people who actually stay logged on are usually doing something other than playing Furc.
And on the note of idlers Seriously, I can't even tell you how many people I've seen with [AFKhour] counts in the double-digits.
I've always looked at those people and wondered, what's the point of even getting on Furc if all you're going to do is constantly AFK for days on end? I've never met so many mentally unstable people who will act like your friend one minute and then turn right around and kick you to the curb the next as I have on Furcadia. The furry community already has a bad reputation as it is, and Furcadia seems to attract the worst of the lot. Some of the comments I've mentioned above are a couple years old at this point, but they're no less valid in The player quality and developer quality have not improved any.
I've gained a lot of fond memories on Furc over the 14 years I've been on it, but I honestly have no respect left for the game or most of the people on it. I often go several days in a row without ever logging in once and I don't even miss it anymore. I miss what it used to be when I was growing up on it, not what it's turned into. No malice intended, as I genuinely feel these players' plights. I am just one of the many Furc-born artists who loved RPing and creating unique pieces of art for my friends and commissioners.
No matter how many times we complained or begged, DEP wouldn't help any of us. Sure, they could 'clear' the stolen space, IF you could provide adequate proof you were indeed the original artist, but it would never stop people from doing it again. Fast forward to now, when I tried the newest update. What point is there to having new. This place has stomped out creativity in exchange for the patronage of affluent imbiciles and the mentally deranged.
It is a shell of what it was, and could have been. A new alternative is coming! It's a huge map with a detailed and active website. A large player base as well. Anonymous March 23, AM Amumumus I've been there and see no indication of an application that runs maps and or a game like engine. Sounds like click bate for a forum to me. Amumumus March 23, PM It is a forum, dummy- a forum that's incredibly active in support of a thriving Furcadia dream.
Anonymous March 23, PM Shitty ass game with shitty ass support with shitty ass avatars with nothing but losers who do nothing. Sums it up rather well. Anonymous April 19, AM I've been logging on the past week or so after a few years away, just because I missed roleplaying and creating stories with people.
Furc's dead. And it makes me sad to see what's left of the place. There are a handful maybe five, max of dreams that have 'active' communities. People are in those dreams but they're not roleplaying. Does anyone know of an alternative? I just want to roleplay. Anonymous April 19, PM "Does anyone know of an alternative? Most of the stuff is working but now and then engine updates cause some issues between web client and desktop client. Here's some knowledge. It's great to see these posts in comparison to reading up how DEP handled the players' concerns at the time on the forums in Really is.
At the time of those forums in , they were dwindling at 3k players. As I speak, there's less then players right now. At least idle out in FurN. What has been sewn has been successfully reaped. There's hardly an excuse for it, it's very unnatural for a game of any design to have sudden, sharp drops in traffic. A veteran who has kept up can see that.
Ultima Online AND Runescape are still alive, but you've had their numbers dwindle at a far slower rate just to the games aging. I mean, people still talk about Runescape. The Second Dreaming came out sometime within the past year; it's basically just a upscale of an update that has been nearly 12 years too late, more than a step forward than the leap they promised.
Must be to see who posts what on the forums. But that major update probably drew more users away than created them. It's even a tad hard to break it to newcomers to tell them, there's no atmosphere anymore, and no community. Bear in mind this is what happens when a "company" doesn't listen to the wishes of its players. You will find players that you will never satisfy, but in any position of power the voice of the players exist for a reason.
If there are a couple of cockroaches in your house, it's not a real problem. Take them out. But if you have an infestation, because you left food out or neglected to clean, then that fault shifts from little people to a problem that you DEP are now tasked to handle from square one.
DO NOT ignore your passionate volunteers that offer to step in to help. DO NOT water down their creativity to do more. DO NOT neglect overall passion that you've invoked. I've had friends on the art team do designs for upcoming Digos and NOTHING is greenlit unless it's with Emerald Flame's seal of approval, and even if so, details are cut out for her favor.
Even those people get shafted with little to no pay, or even Digos themselves as payment. Others still wait for their prizes from the last contests they've held. It is how you see it. The best thing to do with Furcadia, is still see if there are anyone still worth your time as the ship sinks. They DEP honestly, have too many skeletons to hide.
And the best thing they're good at, is deflecting from the notion that there's been a stench for years. Mooze86 August 24, AM Hi, i read your post on this and its useful to me. I used to play furcadia since my internet using dial-up modem. Just wanted try it out today again and its true what you said, its dead.
Quite sad ,really miss the old days. Do you have other alternatives for virtual chatrooms? Other than Second Life. Jackrabbit November 12, AM There's specific DEP that are toxic in the game, Cironir, Emerald Flame and other ppl like Majas and gar, these people are sinister to the player base under the curtains and love to personally harass players they don't like with rules that don't exist in the game or TOS, especially when they're afk.
Special snowflake Majas likes to go around reporting ppl anonymously who don't agree with her or share her views instead of being an adult and ignoring it being a cunt getting ppl banned without mercy SJW rage. She also gets treated better when it comes to contests in the game, that's suppose to be for the players only. She got first place in one of the contests, leaving other ppl pissed off, and they got a right to be.
Cironir promotes bad behavior, telling you not to report the pedophiles with obvious proof to back it up lurking in the game as "They can be alts" as an excuse. He likes to insult you in tickets and curse at you if you don't agree with what his staff or what his boss does, talking down on customers who aren't happy with his actions, especially when I needed help recovering my account from the ini changes.
Him and DEP refuses to let ppl help with fixing bugs on the game that they refuses to repair themselves, there's programmers and coders who offer and get denied all the time. They're fucking lazy at fixing MANY important things and rather make digos instead. BUT They LOVEEE free labor when it comes to art and digo cooperations, and dont give those ppl pitching in their game much credit at all or share in profits of their art selling as digos either.
Just a Lifer avatar of it at most and nothing else, they love to use ppl like that. Emerald flame is the most rude of all, more than the others, she likes to abuse power and harass players about mechanics implemented into the game as advertised. Furcadia is know to bring out digos and encourage customers to use then for fun, be the attention of your friends etc, but wait til after you buy them to start pulling BS conditions on them and you can't get your money back, that's the trap of the 2nd dreaming.
If you don't like an item on furcadia, why bring out in the first place for people to buy? Now they punish players for using it for it's intend use. Here's an example from my friend's Twitter post of how she acted. Emerald is known to come up with lies to make it seem like an incident is from multiple players, but it's from just her instead. To get to the main point; Gotta kiss ass to the creators or spend cash like Donald Trump to get favoritism privileges, and furcadia is know for that most, "Favoritism".
People can get away with breaking rules that others can't. Have you seen the Custom avatar info? They promote so it looks like you can make your avatar anyway you like, but don't add the catch of buying them, there's a shitty size and such limits to what you can make your avatar as and it's unfair especially for winged characters. They are good at ripping ppl off, and if you don't agree, they try to threaten banns to you to shut you up. GL to that, they used the cash on a house instead, not using the cash to fix the game at all.
Jackrabbit November 12, AM Also to add, they liked to witch hunt of people on the game talking negatively about their team and game. Sometimes using blackmail and of course the bann fear tactics. Checked out the website for updates and it seems like the game has been pushing out a brand new cash shop avatar every couple of weeks with very minimal activity outside of these avatar announcements. In-game I got a lot of spam about avatars on "sale" with links to the shop. Thought it was weird but then again the AFK players I clicked on all have hundreds of dollars worth of the 'For Life' avatar tags so they're probably the target demographic..
I must say the new roleplay character websites everyone uses are very pretty but it almost feels like a waste since everyone just sits AFK with their characters boasting many shop avatars and a beautiful website full of nice art and design.
Walking through dreams full of these idle players feels like walking through a museum or china shop full of many beautiful things that don't interact with you. I remember a year or two ago there were tons of forum topics asking about the Kickstarter and for progress updates Some of the sub-forums only have one or two posts now when I'm definitely sure they were full of topics in the past.
The last thread in the section for the mobile project is from even. I guess they got tired of people asking why the game isn't doing well. Back in the peak era, the best upload spots in the highest traffic areas were hotly contested.
People would even create scripted bots to guard their Dream upload spots. There were tons of third party plugins and applications to enhance your experience. Furbot was another that let you create automated bot characters who could perform actions or even respond to requests automatically. Furcadia made adding patches to your custom Dreams easy to a certain degree, as long as you know how to move files around your computer. During most of my time on Furcadia, the game had an incredibly limited color palette.
Check this out:. Every color available in the entire game. As of the Second Dreaming update, this has been updated to a full bit color palette — which is honestly as intimidating as it is liberating. This was long before I had anything remotely akin to a drawing tablet, so everything I drew was with mouse clicks.
Pixel-by-pixel on an isometric grid, click-click-click. You can see how clumsy that weird shiny pillowy shading is. Pixel art was an excellent way to learn about value and viewing your art from a distance. The sheer volume of art I created for Furcadia is honestly staggering. My artwork was actually in several public maps! That fluffy blue cushion in the center there — that was probably the most popular thing I EVER created. I still see that damn thing everywhere. There were games and activities and a cafe to bring your new pet dragon to, and later versions had customizeable caves, scavenger hunts, and complex scripted games that took me weeks of real-world development time.
You could competitively race from inside a magic bubble, dig up coins, and catch crystal droplets that fell from a cave ceiling. In-world points earned could then be exchanged for special items that yielded bragging rights — special cushions that made you float, one-time-use objects that created a fancy effect, and plush toys representing staff members.
I definitely look back on this with equal parts cringe and fondness. There was very little scripting to this Dream, because it was reliant on roleplay between visitors instead of actual gameplay. I faintly recall adding some of my first custom art to this Dream — a snake player avatar, trees and plants, and rocks.
I recall being proud of the randomized rainfall, which you could still hear even when you were in a cave or tree lair. My crowning glory was a Dream called Crystal Falls Retreat , a strange mix of hotel and bar that was popular for Dreams at the time. This was when I really started making custom assets — seating cushions, floor tiles, lights, decorative doodads, potted plants, and more. Each hotel room was unique, with custom giant, round beds.
Everything — a dozen different palm trees, randomized sand floors, and everything needed to construct the actual temple. This had a mix of custom and community patch assets, and I eventually sold it to another player, who is actually still running it to this day! While no longer around, this was the standard for Dreams for a long time while I was active. Links and additional information can be accessed in the Site Information Forum.
JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Does anyone still play Furcadia?
Thread starter xaliceonfire Start date Feb 23, Just curious. I read about it in a Kotaku article and checked it out. It seems like there is a decent amount of players still on there. I used to hang out on The Palace a decade ago, and it seems pretty similar.